Melissa, a fellow Singaporean achieved 4th place in the 100KM European Marathon, a race that Strength and Conditioning counts.
A quiet achievement that many people do not know
She travelled with a close friend quietly half the globe with a heavy heart, not knowing what to expect was probably the worst pre-race mode she ever had. Up in the challenge was the big race, the 2015 Ultra Marathon (1ooKM) in Biel, Switzerland. Having been the top-3ers in numerous races, she had this first-of-its-kind of uncertainty. There was only one thing that mattered, one thing that became the source of her courage, her entire preparation in improving her strength and conditioning her body.
“Throughout the entire 100km, never once I asked myself what I got myself into, why I was here. I just focused on taking my tiny steps. There was no negative thoughts but positive notes telling myself: ONE STEP AT A TIME. Failure and quitting were not the option. I have bettered my best, I have no regrets!". said Melissa Keong.